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哇..真的太棒了!我找這本書很久了呢!看到博客來的Introduction to Hospitality Management (PNIE) 4-E

Introduction to Hospitality Management (PNIE) 4-E的這本書真的很值得一讀!

Introduction to Hospitality Management (PNIE) 4-E詳細介紹如下:

Introduction to Hospitality Management (PNIE) 4-E

商品網址: http://www.books.com.tw/exep/assp.php/tinaliao1968/products/0010626143



Introduction to Hospitality Management, Fourth Edition, explores all aspects of the field including: travel and tourism; lodging; foodservice; meetings, conventions and expositions; and leisure and recreation. Devoting six chapters to management, the text focuses on hospitality and management and uses first-person accounts, corporate profiles and industry morsels to foster a student’s appreciation for the field. Throughout, author John R. Walker invites students to share this industry’s unique enthusiasm and passion. The text is organized into five sections: the hospitality industry and tourism; lodging; restaurants, managed services, and beverages; recreation, theme parks, clubs, and gaming entertainment; and assemblies and event management. Each section includes insight from industry professionals, contains up-to-date information on career opportunities, and includes many examples illuminating current industry trends and realities. Extensively revised and updated, this edition contains new photos, new page layouts, and new coverage on topics ranging from sustainability to globalization.

New to this edition:

1. Extensively revised and updated text, new photos, and new page layouts–making the book more engaging, current, and relevant.

2. New secti人力仲介代徵ons on the latest sustainable practices and technologies–incorporated in each chapter.

3. Suggested Activities sections–in most of the chapters.

4. Adds coverage 人力銀行求職on “Hospitality through the Ages”–providing solid historical context.

5. Career information–presented in most chapters

6. Broadened coverage of globalization–illuminating its growing impacts on the hospitality industry.

7. “Focus On” boxes–offering insights from leading academicians, guest educators, and industry experts who link the text’s concepts and ideas to real-world applications.



  • 出版社:華泰文化

  • 出版日期:2014/01/24
  • 語言:英文

Introduction to Hospitality Management (PNIE) 4-E

商品網址: http://www.books.com.tw/exep/assp.php/tinaliao1968/products/0010626143

國際移工, 人力銀行, 人力仲介, 外勞仲介, 長照, 外籍看護

國際移工 人力銀行 人力仲介 外勞仲介 長照 外籍看護


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